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The Divine Feminine- Yoga Day Retreat

The Divine Feminine- Yoga Day Retreat

The Divine Feminine A yoga day of movement, music, reflection and rest  8 March 10.30-4.15 pm  Rudry Parish Hall The theme of this day retreat is about connecting to the divine feminine. Feminine energy resides everywhere and yoga is a great way to connect with it....

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Insomnia in menopause

Insomnia in menopause

  How to relieve insomnia in menopause Menopause can create a lot of challenges, one of which is insomnia. If you’ve ever found yourself lying awake at night, feeling completely exhausted but unable to relax your body or quiet your racing thoughts, you’re not alone....

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The benefits of yoga nidra to alleviate stress

The benefits of Yoga Nidra for stress What is yoga nidra and how can it benefit the menopausal woman?  Yoga Nidra is often referred to as ‘yogic sleep,’ though it is quite distinct from ordinary sleep. Essentially, it's a guided meditation that encourages you to enter...

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Awaken to spring in the Brecon Beacons 2025

Awaken to spring in the Brecon Beacons 2025

AWAKEN TO SPRING FRIDAY 11 - SUNDAY 13 APRIL 2025 Tall John House - Brecon Beacons Join me on weekend of 11-13 April to experience 3 days of creatively choreographed yoga, meditation and yoga nidra in the most beautiful setting of Tall John House nestled in the...

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YOGA FRESHERS’ AND REFRESHERS’ WEEK 2-6 September ALL CLASSES £5 This is a week for new and experienced yogis to get on the mat and gently settle into the magical season of autumn before the new term starts on Monday 9 September. 🩵 TIMETABLE FOR THIS WEEK Monday...

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Monday 10-10.50 amChair yogaStow Park Community Centre Monday 6.30-7.35 pmYoga for deep restChristchurch, Hall Christchurch Tuesday 9.40-10.35 amChair yogaChristchurch Hall, Christchurch Tuesday 6.15-7.15 pmBeginners yogaThe Share Centre, Stow Hill Tuesday 7.20-8.30...

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Autumn Equinox Yoga Day Retreat 21 September

Autumn Equinox Yoga Day Retreat 21 September

SATURDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2024  10.30-4.15PM Take a day to embrace the magical change of the seasons through yoga.  Autumn is an enchanting season but it does bring an increase in vata energy, which can make us feel anxious and unsettled.  After the dizzy heights of the...

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Summer yoga day retreat

Summer yoga day retreat

Join me on Saturday 29 June 10.30-4.30 pm for a nourishing day of yoga, walking and food- optional paddle! The Carpenter’s Arms on the edge of Llandegfedd Reservoir will provide us with the perfect venue. There is a fantastic indoor and outdoor space for our yoga and...

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Super yoga pose!

Could there be such a thing as a super yoga pose? A pose with amazing healing and therapeutic properties? I think there is! It’s called Viparita Karani and it’s a simple as raising your legs up the wall. What are the benefits of Legs up the Wall? In Sanskrit, Viparita...

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Easter Timetable 2024

Monday 25 March 10-10.50 am        Chair Yoga                          Stow Park Community Centre  £& 6.30-7.30 pm       Yoga for deep rest           Holy Trinity church hall, Christchurch £7 Tuesday 26 March 9.45-10.40 am     Chair yoga                         ...

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Arm Balance Workshop

"We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing!” George Bernard Shaw I know I sound like a broken record every time I post this quote but it is a sort of mantra for me and a reminder as the years go by that play is something we are all...

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A yoga day of balance and renewal

A yoga day of balance and renewal

Spring Equinox - A day of balance and renewal Sunday 24th March 2024 Join me in the beautiful Wye Valley for a transformative day of yoga to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Equinox means equal so this time of year represents balance - new light, new life and new...

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